Keep Together

Our Mission: Journey Authentically works with men who have experienced loss by creating space. We create opportunities for people to engage with nature so they may better grow and conserve life.



Journey Authentically takes men on weekend trips to help them start, continue, and grow through their grief and/or loss. These trips are designed for men to come as they are for some time away. Part of our mission is to provide men with space and our weekend trips are an in-depth opportunity for that.



Monthly, Journey Authentically facilitates whole-day or half-day in-person opportunities in Colorado as a way to get a group of men battling loss together for a shorter time frame to experience nature or learn skills that may enhance their time in the wild.



Journey Authentically is starting a new way to connect. We are finding that our paths lead us in many different directions and can make it difficult for us to connect. We are excited to be integrating a virtual happy hour that we call "Lift".

Upcoming Adventures & Outings....

These are the upcoming outings and adventures that JA will be hosting in the upcoming months. If you are interested email us at

January Outing

Journey Authentically hosted a new event this year called Boxing for Blakely. This was a fun way to get some exercise in while being around a group of people that are experiencing a similar journey.

This month we are going to go play some darts. Come join us for free darts, food, and conversation.


This month we will be pushing ourselves a little. We will be headed to Hardy & Fuller to do some blacksmithing. During this outing you will learn the basics of blacksmithing and bring home your own project.

Become Stronger

Journey Authentically came from the desire to help people and especially men go through grief and loss. We have a strong desire to walk along side men that have experienced grief and loss in a way that helps the person be stronger and not just survive.

“I do not have anyone in my life that knows what I am going through and the pain I am feeling. I needed this trip to connect with men that know what I am going through.”

~Participant of weekend trip

“Thank you again for a great weekend, camaraderie, and for all you do.”

~Participant of a weekend trip

Creating Space

Start your Journey of grief and loss.

Journey Authentically wants to connect men to parts of themself and the world that makes them grow during this time of struggle. For us that is being in nature, pushing to try new things, learn new aspects of self and the world, and be around others that have at one time or another been in the same space that you are at.

Support the Journey

There are many ways to support Journey Authentically. If you are interested in helping out your time, resources, or knowledge please contact us.